
Hello world


So this is it I guess, I’m a blogger now 🤷. What will I write about? 🤔

Great question! Probably a bunch of different topics; Software development, food, beer and random thoughts that come to my mind.

Tell me about the tech!

So building the blog was a fun challenge. I wanted to work through a development life-cycle from design to deploy, creating a product that programmatically create pages from a directory of files, preferably files that aren’t in code.


I designed the blog homepage in Figma in an attempt to enforce some proper styling and attempt a product development flow on my own. I think there is a still a fair bit of work to do, but I am happy with my initial design.

I built the design in React using styled-components and Typescript.

Building the pages

Since the this site was already built with Gatsby I figured using Markdown files could be an interesting choice since it’s a supported data source for Gatsby. Using the gatsby-transformer-remark plugin seemed like the easy choice since I can use GraphQL to fetch the content of the files and render them directly to HTML.

I created a function to run at build time(in gatsby-node.js) that fetches all of the markdown files within a data/blog/ directory and populates a timeline using the slug, date and title frontmatter fields.

Where to from here?

Not too sure.

I would like to post here semi-regularly to keep track of random goings-on in my life.

I hope you check back regularly and enjoy the content 💙