
Untitled Video Call Drinking Game


How many people can play?

At least two players, theoretically as many as you want 🤷‍♂️

What does each player need?

How does it work?

First up, get in a video call with your mates, choose someone to be the counter and shuffle all of your cards. When the counter counts down to zero, you must present a card to the group. Depending on the cards drawn, different amounts of drinks must be consumed. Rinse and repeat!

After the first few rounds, you can start counting down at random points in time. Seeing everyone scramble to present a card is part of the fun.

I drew X card!

Now for the fun bit 😈

Look at the cards everyone has drawn and dish out drinks according to the following rules.

Matching cards (value)Everyone without a matching card; have as many drinks as there are in the match, minus 1Three players draw a 7. Two drinks for everyone without a 7
Matching cards (suit & value)Same as matching cards (value) + Everyone in the pair; Delegate a drink eachTwo players draw a 2 of Clubs. Everyone without a 2 of clubs has a drink. The players who drew the 2 of Clubs can delegate one drink each.
No matching cardsEveryone; take a drink except the player with the highest card (Ace is high)A 7, 3, Ace and King were drawn. Everyone take a drink except the player with the Ace
JokerImmunity! Everyone else; have 2 drinksPlayer A draws a Joker. Everyone except Player A has two drinks
Pair of JokersPeople with Jokers; have as many drinks as there are JokersPlayer A, Player B and Player C all draw Jokers. They have three drinks each.

Two pairs were drawn, which rules apply?


The rules accumulate for maximum rowdiness 🤠

This is where drawing a single Joker can save you, since they grant immunity. If multiple Jokers are drawn, the immunity is invalidated 🦹

Have a look at the following examples:

Game 1

PlayerCardDrinks (to have)Drinks (to give)
Red2 of Clubs00
Blue2 of Hearts00
GreenKing of Spades10
YellowJack of Clubs10
OrangeAce of Diamonds10

Since Red and Blue both drew 2s, everyone else must take a drink.

Game 2

PlayerCardDrinks (to have)Drinks (to Give)
RedAce of Spades21
Blue2 of Hearts40
GreenAce of Spades21
OrangeAce of Diamonds20

This is an interesting one. First off, since Yellow drew a Joker, they are immune and everyone else takes two drinks. Three Aces were drawn, two of which were matching suits, so Blue takes 2 more drinks since they didn’t have an Ace. Red and Green can also delegate one drink each since their cards were matching suit.

Game 3

PlayerCardDrinks (to have)Drinks (to Give)
RedAce of Spades00
GreenAce of Hearts00
OrangeAce of Diamonds00

Similar to Game 2, but with a slight twist. Blue and Yellow both drew Jokers, so not only are they not immune, but they also take 2 drinks each. Red, Green and Orange all drew Aces, so Blue and Yellow take 2 more drinks.